
Index Branch Entity Note
1 CU01 User 1. user signin
  1. user signup | | 2 | CU02 | User | 1. get specific user’s sign up data
  2. user edit his own sign up data | | 3 | CU03 | User | 1. get specific user’s profile
  3. user edit his own profile data | | 4 | CU04 | User | get all tweets / replies / likedTweets of specific user | | 5 | CU05 | User | 1. **get followings / followers of specific user
  4. adjust res.json(body) of all users routes** | | 6 | CA01 | Admin | 1. admin sign in
  5. admin can see all users | | 7 | CA02 | Admin | 1. **admin can get all tweets
  6. admin can delete a tweet
  7. pass unit tests** | | 8 | CF01 | Followship | 1. user can follow another user
  8. user can unfollow another user
  9. user can see the top 10 users having most followers | | 9 | CT01 | Tweet | 1. **user can post a tweet
  10. user can see all tweets
  11. user can see the specific tweet** | | 10 | CL01 | Like | 1. **user can like a tweet
  12. user can unlike a tweet** | | 11 | CR01 | Reply | 1. **user get all replies of specific tweet
  13. can post a reply on the tweet** |

Basic Setting

Index Branch Note
0 Back coding style by ESLint
1 Back01 1. modify Models
  1. pass models unit test | | 2 | Back02 | 1. deploy test API on Heroku
  2. modify passport.js
  3. add api-auth.js
  4. add error-handler.js | | 3 | Back03 | add users/tweets/replies seed files | | 4 | Back04 | set up routes | | 5 | Back05 | 1. modify passport.js for remove password info of login user
  5. add likes/followships seed files
  6. modify users/tweets/replies seed file | | 6 | Back06 | add specific api-auth for signin routes |


Index Branch Note
1 RF01 adjust response message form in user/reply controllers, add getCurrentUser route
2 RF02 refactor each controller: modify response api data content and error message & remove res.status(code)
3 RF03 improve efficiency of get the specific user from database


Index Branch Note
1 FX01 heap out memory issuse on getUser route
2 FX02 exclude admins in getTopUser & add checking process that user can't follow or unfollow any admin
3 FX03 modify isLiked/isFollowed in getUserTweets/getUserFollowers routes
4 FX04 add tweetUser info in getUserLikes route
5 FX05 change character capital to pass unit test


Index Branch Note
1 DOC01 add README.md file


Index Branch Note
1 CHORE01 add notes (feature & route) in each controller


Index Branch Note
1 TravisPR01 add JWT_SECRET and reset original setting of test script